Have the arguments become tedius and unproductive?

Do you miss how your relationship used to be?

Has it been a long time since you felt close to your partner?

> > > > > Learn how to communicate effectively! < < < < <

Are you and your partner a good fit to work with Susan?

Working with Susan is exclusive only to couples who meet certain eligibility requirements. Click to check eligibility.


Positive growth.

When you work with Susan, you will:

…Learn invaluable tools from DAY ONE that will help you and your partner communicate more effectively, so the arguing can stop immediately, and conversations become more productive.

…Understand the root cause of your relationship issues, thereby removing the uneasiness of uncertainty surrounding what went wrong. Knowing what went wrong means knowing how to prevent it from happening again.

…Have a clear plan as to what you and your partner need to work on in order to achieve your relationship goals. It is imperative to work the plan outside of therapy sessions. As you work the plan, you will feel closer to your partner.

man and woman standing on green grass
man and woman holding each others hand wrapped with string lights
silhouette of newly wedded couple

Start working with Susan and feel hopeful about your relationship again.

Start changing your communication patterns today.
Download a FREE communication tool that can give you and your partner another option to managing conflict.